CFD Trading Detailed Guide

CFD Trading

A CFD or Contract for Difference refers to a pact or contract of exchange between seller and buyer that sets forth a condition in which the buyer has to pay the difference amount between the asset’s current value and contract value to the seller. CFD trading is an excellent way to reap profits from the asset’s price movements without actually owning it.

One thing to pay attention to is that CFD trading does not consider the asset’s inherited value. CFDs look out only into the price changes of the asset or security. 

This profit-making from the fluctuations occurs through a contract between the broker and the client, and no actual exchange of any stock, currency, or Commodity occurs. Due to the increasing popularity of CFDs in the market, many brokers and trading platforms have started including them in their services.

In fact, some brokers primarily deal with CFDs. 

In this article, we will get you accustomed to the various aspects related to CFD trading. 

How do CFDs work? 

The contract for Differences is an advanced strategy for trading without exchanging assets in reality; no physical delivery of any security takes place in CFD trading. The investor or buyer never actually owns the security or asset but reaps the profits that arise due to the change in the asset’s price in the market. 

For example, instead of buying a currency pair, the investors can speculate on the price changes due to the market’s high volatility. 

Most importantly, investors traders can use CFDs to bet whether the asset’s price will increase or decrease in the market. One can make profits from both upward and download movements of the security. If the trader owns a CFD of an asset and sees a hike in price, they will put the CFD for sale.

The difference between the purchasing amount and the selling amount is accumulated together. And the net gain is settled by money being deposited in the broker’s account of the seller. In contrast, When an investor or a trader expects a decline or fall in the asset’s price, he or she can open a selling position for the asset.

To close the position, the trader or investor purchases the underlying asset. 

Long and short CFD trading 

CFD trading lets traders speculate on both the upward and downward price movements of the asset. So while trading securities conventionally, you reap benefits only when the asset price increases, but that is not the case with CFD trading.

With a Contract for Differences, one can open a trading position that can reap profits from the security or asset’s falling price. When one facilitates CFD trading on decreasing prices, it is called going short on the trading position. 

This is how the short CFD trading works; when you expect the prices to fall of a particular stock, you open a sell CFD position on that asset. You will still exchange the net difference between the opening and closing price, but you will benefit if the price of the security declines or drops. 

Leverage in CFD trading 

CFD trading is highly leveraged. This means one can acquire large trading positions without committing the full cost of the trade position. So when you take up a large position with leverage, you do not pay the full cost to take up that position. With a Contract for Difference, you pay only some percentage ( four or five per cent) of the total cost.

High leverage helps you expand your capital and take up large positions; it can be risky. The amount of profit and loss is calculated on the total capital; that is, the capital invested initially by you and the leveraged amount.

So if you lose a position, you lose your actual money and the leverage amount you will have to repay. This way, both profits and losses are expanded when trading CFDs with leverage. 

Advantages of CFD trading 

Access to the global market from a single platform

The brokers who facilitate trade in CFDs offer exchanges in most of the world’s major markets. This allows for global access to major markets and more opportunities to make high profits. 

There are no rules for borrowing stocks or short selling

Many markets restrict shorting and tell traders to borrow the stocks before selling them short in the market. But that is not the case with CFD trading. CFDs can be traded short anytime without implying any margins or borrowing cost. The reason is that the trader does not actually own the underlying security or asset. 

High leverage

CFD trading accounts for increased leverage and lets traders and investors open large trading positions with a small amount of inherited capital. 

A vast amount of trading opportunities

One can pursue CFD trading in any significant market like forex, stocks, commodities, indices, and more. This diversifies the possibilities for the traders and investors to smoke more profits and mitigate risks as well. 

Disadvantages of CFD trading 


While CFDs are seen as a breakout from conventional trading, there are still some loopholes. One such loophole is to pay spreads on the entry and exit of the trading positions. This reduces the potential to make profits from the small market movements.

The spreads also lead to a decrease in the winning amount of your trades. While in the traditional market scenario, treaders pay commissions or fees in CFD trading, broker charges spread. 

Frail industrial regulation

CFD trading is not regulated to the core. The credibility and trustworthiness of a CFD broker depended on the reputation, financial position, and how long it has been in the market. The credibility does not come from liquidity, volume, and government standing.

There are some outstanding and reputable CFD brokers but it’s good to dive deep into research before committing your hard-earned money. 


CFD trading is quick-paced and requires detailed monitoring. There are risks related to liquidity, margin requirements that the traders need to fulfil. There are also risks connecting to high leverages. If the trader cannot cover up the decline in the value, the position might get closed, and then the loss has to be borne by the trader. 


There are many advantages and flexibility associated with CFD trading, but one must keep in mind all the pitfalls and make the decision accordingly. While benefits can be garnered from no shorting or day trading rules, access to global markets, no physical entitlement of the asset or security, risks are associated with high leverages, spread charges, and more.

It is very crucial that you choose a regulated and reputed broker to trade CFDs. 

If you are eyeing a regulated online broker to facilitate CFD trading or any other trades, we would recommend ETFinance. ETFinance is a regulated online broker functioning in Italy, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Spain. The broker deals in various instruments like CFDs, forex, commodities, metals, stocks, indices, ETFs, and more.

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